Thursday, 26 April 2012


I honestly don't think you can measure success by Meters or CM's so I guess measuring means how do you look at success. Well I say you look straight at it and say congratulations to it because everybody's achieved it. You may be thinking this girl is crazy, how can a homeless man be successful or sum one who has a "bad life" be successful? Everyone was successful in becoming a human being in this world that is a success within itself. That one factor has lead us to be who we are today.  Yes I know what your thinking success to lots of people is defined by how rich you are and how many lambo's you drive but that's not true success.This is a greedy success that isn't a life success. Everybody has started racking up a life success meter. The way to get points is by achieving what makes you happy and achieving everything you want to achieve before you die. There are no maximum amount of number of points you can get, it's as many as you want to get. An important point I should add is that you can never loose points to your number because in life there are no failers, there's only experiences which leads to more points to your total. How many points do you think you have accumulated over your life? Are you happy with your success?

Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Ikea Shipment
So many different photos in this world! Photographers everyday around the world try to capture the coolest thing that they can find! They look high and low to capture that one moment in life when the sun is shining on the perfect spot or that one leaf is swaying in the perfect direction. The good thing about that is that there are many multi-media sites were you can upload these pictures and show the world what you capture day to day! There's Tumblr, Istragram, Facebook, Twitter, ETC. The list can go on FOREVER! Well not for forever but you get the point, hopefully. :) Continue scrolling down for more :)!  

Math Class Fun

Tumblr now a days is probably the one site that has blown up the biggest with over 46.5 million active user blogs, followed by Instagram with 27 million accounts made as of March 2012. Tumblr and Instragram are online sites where you can upload any picture that you have taken and place it in a blog format on your profile. People, like you and I can go onto any profile and look at millions of different photos that people have accumulated over time.
Rainy Day On One, Sunny Day On The Other

People want to show their lives through photos and that's why so many people use these sites. People go on vacation and bring their Iphones/Ipads/Cannons/Nikons/Etc. and hope to capture what they see in a photo so that they can add it to their portfolio on these sites to see how many people will like there photo or view it. I think it gives people a sense of accomplishment that others actually like what their achieving and accomplishing in life, even though most of them are complete strangers. But yet we still upload and creep profiles, upload more and creep more profiles. It's not always a bad thing though because people get to show of their creativity and others get to view that creativity. It's part of the new social media years. What do you think about Tumblr and Instragram ? Do you think people should be uploading there life onto the Internet ? Do you think there should be a certain amount of pictures you're aloud to upload in a day?

Casamagna Marriott - Cancun, Mexico 2012 

Home Depot Cart

Scuba Gear - Cancun, Mexico